by Reji K Paul (Software Programmer, Excellone Technologies)
Mobile computing solutions have benefits which come under two headings basically namely tangible benefits and intangible benefits. Tangible benefits include those benefits that are easily quantifiable, while intangible benefits are those that are difficult to quantify.
To be more specific, tangible benefits can be put in quantitative terms, like economic benefits. Mobile computing solutions makes it possible to cut down on the professional’s valuable time on administrative work. Boosting industrial productivity and sales per person are few of the tangible benefits.
Tangible benefits also bring along with them some added benefits like the maintenance of high order fulfillment ratio, considerable reduction in real time inventory cost through the timely placement of orders and the smooth flow of information. The mobile computing has also facilitated service vehicles with on-the-spot invoice production which brings in better cash flow with short payment cycle. The citation / ticketing application with credit card payment is a fine way to illustrate the tangible benefits of mobile computing.
Now coming to the intangible benefits which are difficult to be quantified like automating sales, improving customer service or gaining competitive advantage; these must be converted into percentage or should be handled with weights.
The intangible benefits of Mobile computing solutions include a wide range of benefits namely,
- Enhanced business productivity through improving work efficiency by accessing more online resources.
- Quick execution of new procedures, pricing etc.
- Bringing PDA – like resources on line through unlocking value in offline devices.
- Boosts the information sharing between the workers, customers and partners which results in high quality decision making.
- Keeping in touch with customers, which in turn results in fast sensing and responding to their requirements, thus providing better and prompter service.
- Rapid deployment in reaction to an event and fast reaction to adversity through multiple channels facilitates business resilience.
- Lowering the cost of ownership and increased productivity, retention of workers along with cultural improvement, by providing work with customized tools for appropriate information and by giving them flexibility to work.
Knowing the tangible and intangible benefits of Mobile computing solutions will make decision-making a whole lot easier.
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