Well, welcome to the club! And you are certainly not alone! One day we might start a club called "The Confused Executives' Software Development Outsourcing Club" (CESDOC) and we might invite you to become a founding member. But since it's not that easy starting a club, for now at least we will just inform you, the confused executive, what you reall
Today everyone and her cousin's cat is outsourcing web development. If you are a business, in all probability you have been flooded by offers that promise to get your web development work done abroad for less than what you imagined possible even in your wildest dreams. If you are a fan of Dilbert, you already know all you need to know about outs
The Background A long, looong time ago, when the first websites (well, actually, they were more like web pages than web sites back then!) began to appear on the world wide web, there was a secret language that you had to learn to be able to create web pages or web sites. That secret languages was called HTML (for Hyper Text Mark-up Language) an
The Background So you want us to tell you the Truth. But are you sure you can handle the truth? (with due apologies to Colonel Nathan R. Jessup). Let us clarify at first that Magento isn't a secret illuminati funded programme to take over and run the world government. Neither does it have anything to do with mangoes. Now that we've told you

ITOI - IT Outsourcing India received A+ rating from the Acquia Insisght testing tool. Dries the founder of Drupal is also the founder of Acquia, world’s leading Drupal consultancy. Acquia has developed tools to ensure the performance and quality of Drupal web sites. At IT Outsourcing India we try to do follow the best development practis
The Background Let's start with first things first. Drupal is undoubtedly one of the best CMSs (Content Management Systems, to the uninitiated) out there. Perhaps what makes it even more endearing to many and especially to us here at ITOI (that is IT Outsourcing India, if you forgot!) is that it's a Open Source Software. That means, first of all
Wouldn't it be simply wonderful if yours is the 'most wanted' website! If that's your dream and what you are looking forward to, judiciously enrich your website with sounds, images, graphics and videos. Use Flash in the design of your website. What is Flash? Flash is basically an animation software program which makes surfing an exciting experie
The business world is becoming more and more complex with every passing day. Responding to the market, Client server application developmentexploiting an opportunity and attaining total customer satisfaction all depend on the timely, open and rapid flow of information. Only the organizations that can process and distribute the right information at
Opinion poll is the best way to include customers in your website. Opinion poll makes decision making a delighting and easy task. It invokes the interest of the users in your website as they are given an opportunity to voice their opinions. The "Poll" software developed by our software development team is customizable according to your needs. This
If your website is interactive, the users are bound to be frequent visitors. So boost up the interactivity of your website with our Online Quiz software. Through this, users can assess their knowledge. This web application also enables them to develop their skills. By installing our Online Quiz software you'll be adding an interesting challenge to