We developed our own Content Management System to serve our own clients in the early years following our start up. However, although it was a good product and was well accepted by our existing clients, we soon realised that we had to change with the world and offer standardised CMS systems. The world has changed a lot in the last decade and a half.
After careful consideration of the options and alternatives before us, we decided to choose two content management system products as our preferred choices:
- Drupal for Enterprise level CMS.
- Wordpress for simpler CMS sites and blogs
While you can find plenty of write ups for and against each of these CMS, we try to explain below the simple reasons why made these choices.
Why ITOI Chose Drupal as Enterprise Level CMS?

Having worked with Drupal, TYPO3, Joomla and Wordpress we liked each of them for different reasons. However, when it came to Enterprise level solutions we had only two serious choices in the open source segment- TYPO3 and Drupal. Both are pretty good and share a positive attitude towards business in general and the open source community in particular (As an aside, it is interesting to note that both were created by people from Europe). Both the founders are also widely respected in the community.
TYPO3 gradually became more popular in Europe, especially in countries like Germany, while Drupal gained more global popularity. Now Drupal events like Drupalcons are popular all over the globe. Although we worked on several TYPO3 projects, there was more demand in the Drupal segment from clients across the globe and we decided to focus on Drupal.
Acquia, the business started by Drupal founder Dries, gives Drupal related services and support to Enterprises and Drupal Houses. This provides better confidence for small and medium sized Drupal players to take up bigger and more complex projects.
The Drupal community is also pretty active and in many cities across the globe they meet regularly to discuss issues relating to Drupal development. Some of the topics discussed include new developments, technology, challenges and the future direction.
All of these factors combined together lead us to embrace Drupal as our choice for enterprise level CMS.
Why ITOI choose Wordpress for simpler CMS web sites and blogs?

Wordpress was initially built for using as a platform for blogging. But gradually Wordpress improved its features and performance and today Wordpress is capable of managing the requirements for most of the smaller CMS websites and blogs.
After working on most of the popular Opensource CMS for blogging, we have concluded that Wordpress is the best in the segment. And as part of our service offerings, we offer integration of WP blog features with Magento and Drupal.
The availability of good programmers in the segment also helps to deliver solutions more quickly.
Now ITOI recommends Wordpress for simpler CMS websites and blogs.