Community portals can help your firm attain the diverse objectives of your business, like in keeping constant interaction with customers, increasing marketing awareness for company brands and translating relationships into e-commerce Community portal business softwareopportunities. Community Portals / business software can be customized and personalized to be broad based, horizontal or vertical portals.
These solutions consists of
- Web pages
Unlimited dynamic web pages. - Administrative Panel
- Discussion Forum
Visitors can post their queries and observations. - Feedback form
- Guest Book
- Classified Ads
- Maintenance
We modify and update your portal for a period of 3 months free of charge. - Poll
- Site Promotion
We assist in submitting the portal to Search Engines like Google, Bing etc. - Support
Customer support 24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 days a year - e-mail support. - Training
Free online corporate Internet training for our clients.
Make the benefits of Community Portal Business Software yours. At ITOI, we are looking forward to being of help to you.